
Tuesday 18 July 2017

LeJoG Day 12 - A sunny day in Scotland!

Our main memory of today will be of the heat!  It was too hot for cycling, really, and Joel in particular, really struggled.

We set off from Gretna in good time this morning, and things went very well until lunchtime.  We even found time for an extra ice cream stop, when we found ourselves going right past an ice cream farm which we remembered from our holiday two years ago.  Well worth a break - I chose rhubarb and ginger flavour - yummy!

At lunch, even the bikes were flat out (see below)!  We found another shady tree, this time at the edge of a public playing field, which suited us very well.

This afternoon we spent most of our time on the A76.  Not an experience I would recommend on a bike!  It wasn't quite as busy as some of the roads we cycled in Gloucester and Herefordshire the other day, but it was hard work.  The surface was in reasonable repair, but very bumpy for bicycles, and consequently very slow.  So even though we were going downhill most of the time, and under trees out of the worst of the sun, it was a long, hard slog.  We were stopping frequently for a drink of water, and eventually gave up about 8 miles short of where we'd hoped to finish for the day - 8 miles which we'll have to cycle on the same road tomorrow!

Tomorrow afternoon, we're due to catch the ferry over to the Isle of Arran, so we need to complete 52 miles by 5.30 pm at the latest - it would be nice to do it sooner, and catch an earlier ferry!  So please pray that we'll be fit and ready in the morning, and that nothing untoward (eg accident, illness or puncture) delays us on the way.  We're very grateful for everyone's prayers - and in general we're doing amazingly well, enjoying good weather, and not suffering many problems.  Nathan's not feeling too good this evening, so please pray that he'll sleep well and feel better in the morning.

I didn't take any photos today - these are Steve's:

Even the bikes were flat out at lunchtime!

A shady spot to enjoy a delicious ice cream

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